DL28. I love blocking in levels with basic tilesets. Environment Art pre-production is over, and I'm going into full real-time development with Unity 3d. I have a fairly decent grasp on Blender as a 3d generalist, which has been a challenge after decades with 3dsmax and Maya. From hard-surface modeling, to characters, to lighting and FX, Blender has a decent toolset. I've been getting some light scripting experience in Unity 3d and I believe I have the art pipeline down. . I'm keeping level size reasonable. Unity lightmap baking times for test levels is killing my old i7-7700K. There are five citadels in Eterna, each with three levels. This one will feature commoner architecture.


DL6. Character sculpting. Getting back into character sculpting is well...going to take some time. This is my first attempt at a Mudbox character sculpt in over 10 years. I'm keeping game-size sculpts to under 5M polygons in Mudbox, as the included image is larger than the characters will appear. There is no point doing a 25M polygon sculpt when the characters are so small. It's better to focus on large-shape details. The first of a ton of characters, so hopefully my sculpt quality will improve.
