DL28. I love blocking in levels with basic tilesets. Environment Art pre-production is over, and I'm going into full real-time development with Unity 3d. I have a fairly decent grasp on Blender as a 3d generalist, which has been a challenge after decades with 3dsmax and Maya. From hard-surface modeling, to characters, to lighting and FX, Blender has a decent toolset. I've been getting some light scripting experience in Unity 3d and I believe I have the art pipeline down. . I'm keeping level size reasonable. Unity lightmap baking times for test levels is killing my old i7-7700K. There are five citadels in Eterna, each with three levels. This one will feature commoner architecture.
DL8. I gotta admit, Blender's built-in node-based compositor is kinda disco. The Alpha-Over node gives me the ability to adjust my shadow opacity (only) without rendering it separately. This saves me some action/batch creation time in Photoshop, and gets me closer to having a pipeline that goes straight from render to sprite sheet.
DL6. Character sculpting. Getting back into character sculpting is well...going to take some time. This is my first attempt at a Mudbox character sculpt in over 10 years. I'm keeping game-size sculpts to under 5M polygons in Mudbox, as the included image is larger than the characters will appear. There is no point doing a 25M polygon sculpt when the characters are so small. It's better to focus on large-shape details. The first of a ton of characters, so hopefully my sculpt quality will improve.
DL1: Unity in-engine screenshot#1 with our first commoner model, SG. (StopGap). This is our demo environment, ruins set atop a rocky island off a distant cost. We have 2d demo environment created in Blender, rendered as sliced sprites with a few animated torches . This is where we start, and should provide an idea on what I'm going for.